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Phone Company Advertising vs Real Internet Marketing

It is the Yellow Pages renewal time right now. It’s that time ONCE a YEAR when we get to revise and sign an iron clad contract for an advertising program with the PHONE company. Did you get that ONCE a YEAR, IRON CLAD CONTRACT and PHONE company. Say what they will, the phone company is still operating with a print media mass marketing business model. This is why you get to talk to them once a year. When you invest in a phone company based advertising campaign you get to adjust your program once a year, commit to a fixed monthly payment for one full year, beg for reports and true customer service and best of all you get to pay too much.

With a customized (meaning individually designed and implemented for your company), managed (consistent oversight and management to optimize your results), performance based (if the program is not performing we change it at any time during the year), flexible (need more sales leads adjust the campaign, money tight for a month or two lower the spend) and you can expect to achieve great results. With a customized program you have a skilled expert on call to help you craft and manage a money making Internet Marketing program tailored to your business and your budget. You can’t get this at any price from the PHONE company.

If your questioning your investment in phone company advertising and wondering where to turn we may be your answer. We provide true internet marketing using Pay per click or Search Engine Optimization or Social Media and more and can get your business on the top of the first page search results too. Give us a call or send us an email and we will be in touch.