Content Marketing

Content Strategy for Digital Marketing
Now that nearly every business has a digital marketing presence, how do you stand out from the competitors who may have a similar digital strategy? Search engine optimization (SEO) is one way (it’s always nicer at the top). You could buy the traffic with digital advertising, but that is sometimes a short-term focus and could be out of your budget range. Businesses today really benefit from having a solid content strategy for digital marketing.
What is a content marketing strategy? Simply put, a long term strategy of creating and disseminating valuable content. Whatever form the content takes, whether your business lends itself to whitepages, blogs, videos, or something else, readers should find the content valuable, relevant and easy to understand.
Great content also needs to be effectively distributed so that the content is found by the right audience. This audience, already looking for your product or service, needs to find your content so that they realize your business has the solution they seek.
VIEWS Content Marketing Solutions Expand Digital Marketing Presence
The real answer is to do something different from your competitors. In a lot of cases, this has to do with content marketing efforts. One thing is for sure: only you can be uniquely you! When you build upon that, you create a connection with your audience, and then you make a difference for your business and your industry.
Your business should strive to be a market authority because, after all, you know your products, services, and industry better than anybody else, right? That’s why you’re in business—because you’re an expert. So tell the world.
Every piece of content that is written should focus on adding value to the user experience. Each type of business, from B2B to professional services, probably already has a community of people who are looking for information about its types of goods or services. Smart business owners can use content marketing to become relevant in those online communities and to eventually become leaders or influencers within them.
Becoming an influencer, or someone that others in the community point to as an authority in the field, takes time and persistent effort. A content strategy for digital marketing is like a blueprint for building that authority. As changes occur (and they do—all the time) and new techniques emerge, the process may shift, but the strategy helps keep the whole team on the same page. To reach big goals, everyone needs to be on board.
Show your potential customers why they should purchase from you by creating quality content that nudges them in the direction of your products or services.
Content Is Nothing to Fear

Continue feeding your digital marketing efforts with new content.
Sometimes small businesses, or even large ones, are unsure of where to start with content creation. The task can seem daunting. While the internet certainly has no shortage of people advising about how to write the perfect number of words or the amount of content that should be written, how does that apply to you?
Maybe you’re neither a writer nor a graphic designer. That’s okay! You can still succeed in content marketing!
However, even if you love to write, make no mistake, successful content marketing takes time and energy. You will need to commit to “feed the tiger,” so to speak. This means that consistent time and effort is involved. Many business teams are already over-committed to the day-to-day work of running the business, so they are reluctant or unable to dedicate time to content marketing.
That’s where a VIEWS content strategy for digital marketing can help. Our digital marketing specialists will work with you to help create the right types of content on your behalf. If you have the time and prefer for your internal team to carry out a plan, we will develop a strategy to help you effectively, and even automatically, reach your targeted audience.
Either way, our content marketing solutions can emphasize the value you offer potential customers and help your business stand out among the crowd. As Nike says… Just Do It!
Content Marketing Solutions That Reach Your Targeted Audience and Persona
Leveraging VIEWS content marketing solutions to enhance your digital presence empowers you to reinforce your sales team’s initiatives. We can help your team plan and implement an entirely customized digital marketing campaign that will truly emphasize your market authority and increase your brand awareness.
Case studies show that implementation of strategies where companies are creating content that is engaging and has a compelling call to action increase measurable success metrics. Solution features include:
- Complete keyword analysis and SEO review to benchmark your strengths and your current online presence in the online marketplace
- Full marketing consultation to identify and build essential buyer personas within prime stages of the sales cycle
- Analysis of your current digital strategy to learn where you are showing up in search results and the conversion rate of user visits to your site
- Broad review of current web analytics and historical business intelligence
- Assembly of a tailored inbound marketing plan adapted to the needs of every buyer persona
- Assistance and/or full development of content to be published, such as blog posts, video content, whitepapers and more
- Set up and regular posting to Youtube channel and other social media profiles
- Reporting of activity on social media platforms such as reach, social shares, and other engagement
- Ongoing consultation and support in creating customer-focused, USP-driven content
- Complete web analysis and regular assessment of campaign success
VIEWS Effective and Compelling Content Strategies for Digital Marketing Help Your Business Break Through to The Next Level
Let us help you develop a custom, integrated content marketing strategy today that will showcase your brand, increase your digital marketing presence, build customer engagement, and aid lead generation. For more information on how to develop a content marketing strategy tailored to your business needs, give us a call (610)650-0227 or send us an email.