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Increase Conversions with Dedicated Landing Page Optimization

A landing page is more likely to send people to your site than a digital ad because today, people search for specific things that they are looking for on search engines. When the search engine results page (SERP) displays the relevant pages, they choose the one that most interests them. To convert those visitors into customers, you need an interesting and effective landing page for the subjects about which they are searching; effective landing pages require optimization.

The Anatomy of a Landing Page that Converts: 4 Steps to Effective Landing Pages

1. Identify buyer persona to present an appropriate hook.

As in every other aspect of your campaign, you need to start with creating a buyer persona. With this persona in place, you can concentrate on ways to reach that audience. With your buyers’ challenges, interests and searching habits in mind, you will have the starting point of your SEO efforts, including creation of landing pages and proper landing page optimization. If you are appealing to a variety of personas, you may need to consider multiple landing pages geared to each one’s needs.

2. Clarify your end goal.

Decide what you want your landing page to accomplish. You may wish to simply capture the data about who your audience is, which can be achieved by offering something of value to the visitor, like an ebook or whitepaper, in exchange for signing in. However, this technique can accomplish more than just collecting data. An effective thank you page (secondary landing page) can offer further interaction, such as a free demo or other resources.

3. Design a landing page geared to convert.

Some simple elements of successful landing page optimization are

  • Make the headline bold and specifically relevant to the SERP entry, email or message that linked to the landing page.
  • Keep the contents of the page straightforward, with no unnecessary distracting content. You want your visitor to stay focused on the offer.
  • Add images or videos to support the offer. Images of your product in use are good choices. Any videos should be set for user activation, rather than automatically starting.
  • Use bullets and short sentences or paragraphs. Most readers will only scan, so you want to be sure they see the important information.
  • Put the lead capture form near the top of the page and keep it simple. Users may become impatient or wary of giving too much information.
  • Include testimonials or brand connections that strengthen your credentials.
  • Make sure your landing page appears properly on mobile devices.

4. Measure, split test, and improve.

The last step for every campaign should be testing. Find ways to measure the effectiveness of your landing page optimization techniques. Perform split testing of specific elements and once you have the results, use the information to improve subsequent campaign efforts.

Call VIEWS for Answers about Landing Page Optimization and other SEO Questions

Our SEO specialists have years of experience in creating effective websites and SEO Strategies. To learn more about how landing page optimization can turn visitors into customers, call 610-650-0227 today!