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Create an Integrated Digital Marketing Strategy with Different Tactics

July 20, 2023

An integrated digital marketing strategy combines various digital tactics and channels to create a cohesive and seamless marketing campaign. By integrating elements such as search engine optimization (SEO), website design and content, social media, paid advertising, and marketing automation, businesses can effectively reach their target audience and maximize their online presence.

But how exactly do those different marketing tactics work together? How can one tactic enhance or complement another? We can show you how to integrate different marketing channels into one strategy.

Let’s Connect and See How We Can Work Together!
  • SEO
  • Website Analytics
  • Google Paid Ads
  • Social Paid Ads

How Do Different Channels Create an Integrated Digital Marketing Strategy?

In today’s digital landscape, businesses can access various channels to reach and engage with their target audience. Integrating these channels, from search engines and social media platforms to email marketing and content creation, is crucial in forming an effective digital marketing strategy.

Each channel serves different purposes:

  • SEO can boost organic search rankings
  • Website design and content keeps people engaged on your site
  • Paid advertising improves brand visibility on search engines
  • Social media platforms can drive audience engagement
  • Marketing automation can nurture leads

Taking an in-depth look into each marketing channel’s primary purpose, specific tactics within each channel, and how these channels can work together is the basis of your integrated digital marketing strategy.

Search Engine Optimization

Search engine optimization (SEO) is critical to any integrated digital marketing strategy. SEO involves optimizing a website’s content and structure to improve visibility and ranking on search engine results pages (SERPs).

SEO includes many principles and tactics, but the basics include keyword research, website performance, quality content creation, and link building.

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  • Keyword Research: Keyword research is finding the words and phrases people use to search for products or services. You can make your content more relevant to your audience’s questions and improve your visibility in search engine rankings by strategically incorporating these keywords into your website’s content.

  • Website Performance: Search engines also consider website performance when ranking pages. A website with fast loading times, optimized images, and performance on mobile devices is more likely to be ranked higher than a website with many technical and performance problems.

  • Content: Quality content creation is another critical factor in achieving high rankings on SERPs. Search engines, like Google, prioritize websites that regularly produce valuable, informative, and unique content. By consistently publishing quality content, businesses can establish themselves as credible sources within their industries and attract more organic traffic.

  • Links: Link building is acquiring links from reputable websites to your own. Search engines view reputable links as a positive indicator of your website’s credibility and authority. You can rank higher on SERPs with more high-quality, relevant links pointing to your site.

Overall, SEO is meant to improve your website’s ability to rank in the top positions when prospects search for your products or services. When those potential customers see your website in search results and click through to your website, that is where web design and the architecture of your site come into play.

Website Design & Content

A well-designed website and quality content attract potential customers, keep them engaged enough to stay on the site, and convert them into actual customers. Here is why that is important:

  • Eye-Catching Design: A visually appealing website immediately grabs visitors’ attention and gives a positive first impression. An attractive design that is easy for people to navigate engages users and encourages them to explore further.
  • Informative Content: Remember what we said about how important content is for SEO? In addition to quality content optimized for Google, the content on a website is also vital to keeping people engaged and wanting to stay on a site. Suppose people find a website’s content lacking due to poor writing or not addressing their needs. In that case, those people will exit that site quickly.
  • Optimized Website Structure: How a website is structured directly impacts the end user’s perception of a site and that site’s visibility in search engines. For example, if a website has really slow load times, then people are quick to leave that site, and search engines will penalize that site by ranking it lower than other sites with faster load times. A well-organized, responsive website with straightforward navigation makes finding content easier for users and search engines. This enhances the user experience and contributes to better search engine rankings.

In addition to channels whose primary purpose is to improve your website, external marketing channels like social media are vital to creating an integrated digital marketing strategy.

Social Media

Now, we are getting to channels outside of your website. Social media is another channel you can use to reach and engage with your customers and is particularly good for creating and nurturing deeper relationships.

Here are a couple of examples of nurturing customer relationships on social media:

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  • Customer Support: Social media is a great way to provide customer support 24/7. Customers can easily reach out to you with questions or problems, and you can respond quickly and efficiently.

  • Valuable Content: Social media is a great way to share valuable content with your customers, such as blog posts, articles, infographics, and videos. This helps you position yourself as an expert in your field.

  • Live Events: Live events such as Q&As, product demos, and live streams are great ways to connect with your customers in real-time. This lets you learn more about their needs and interests and answer their questions directly.

  • Community: Social media can build a community around your brand. You can create groups and forums where customers can interact with each other and your brand.

Now, how do you integrate social media with your other marketing channels? One example is content. As new content is added to your website, your social media profiles should promote that content to your audience (not to mention that your followers can share it with their social networks.) As more people visit your website, the design, architecture, and content of your website work to convert those people into leads.

Another channel that social media pairs well with is paid advertising.

Paid Advertising

In addition to more organic ways to increase online presence (SEO, social media activity), paid advertising is another avenue in digital marketing that can play a vital role in an integrated digital marketing strategy.

There are various forms of paid advertising:

  • Paid Search: Paid search refers to advertisements at the top of search engine results pages when users search for specific keywords. So, in combination with SEO and getting your page to rank on Google organically, paid search ads give you further opportunities to rank at the top of the search results pages. SEO is a longer-term strategy to drive traffic to your site. At the same time, paid search ads are a more immediate method of accomplishing the same goal.
  • Display: Display ads are visual advertisements that appear on websites, apps, or social media platforms. These ads can include images, videos, or interactive content and are an excellent way to increase brand awareness and engage potential customers.
  • Social Media: Social media ads, as the name suggests, appear on various social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, TikTok, and more. Social ads offer precise targeting options, allowing companies to reach their desired audience based on demographics, people’s interests, and their behaviors.

In addition to these types of ads, businesses can also use remarketing advertising tactics, which allow companies to show ads to people who previously visited their website to keep their brand in the minds of leads.

So, you can use organic and paid methods of reaching your audience together to maximize your reach. Most channels listed above are meant to pull new customers to your site, so what tactics can you use to retain current customers? One such tactic is marketing automation.

Marketing Automation

Marketing automation tools allow companies to automate many of their sales and marketing processes, from tracking where leads are in a sales pipeline to sending follow-up emails.

A benefit of marketing automation is the ability to send personalized content based on the recipient’s demographics, interests, and behaviors. For example, if you have a monthly newsletter, you can completely change the content of the entire newsletter based on the industry someone works in or whether the newsletter is sent to a consumer vs. a business.

This level of personalization creates a highly tailored experience for each recipient, making them more likely to engage with the content and take the desired action. Businesses can effectively nurture leads and guide them through the sales funnel by delivering the right message to the right person at the right time.

In summary, an integrated digital marketing strategy uses multiple channels to generate leads effectively and grow your business. If you want to read more about how these tactics work together, read our client case studies here.

How VIEWS Can Help You Create Your Integrated Digital Marketing Strategy

Ready to take your marketing to the next level? Contact our team at VIEWS today to get started. Through in-depth research and analysis, we can pinpoint areas where your marketing efforts can be enhanced. Our team of digital marketing consultants has years of experience crafting integrated digital marketing strategies that consider all different channels and tactics to generate leads for our clients. Contact us today to get started on your digital marketing strategy.