COVID-19 Crisis Impacts on Businesses and Communities

With the onset of COVID-19, our country, along with the rest of the world, has had to undergo some radical changes in how we interact, both personally and professionally. People are staying home, avoiding large groups, and many businesses have chosen to, or been forced to implement new remote work procedures. For those who work in “non-essential” industries, the current COVID-19 crisis is taxing their ability to pay bills and buy necessities.
Many businesses have processes in place that have made the transition to remote work relatively seamless for them, but for many organizations, the change has been less easily accomplished. One example is churches.

While many churches have online services already in addition to their live services, others have never ventured into the realm of online church. Our COO, Maryn Williams recently had the opportunity to help a local church move online, so that members of the church could still attend services while adhering to social distancing guidelines. With her experience in various forms of media, she advised the church of the best method of quickly moving to an online experience. Local church members were able to get the support they needed and connect with church leaders.
Community Residents
The VIEWS team has consultants in several states, and every one of these states has been impacted by the COVID-19 crisis, as the virus has spread worldwide. The crisis has caused illness and unemployment, businesses have had to close or change how they operate, and many people who were already in vulnerable positions are now in a big struggle to attain basic needs.

The VIEWS team in Charlotte has involved their families in helping provide sandwiches and other support to the local community shelter. The shelter provides three in house meals per day to 80+ people, as well as “to-go” options for those who need food but are unable to be present at mealtimes. The current crisis has stretched the resources of the shelter, so people in the community who are able have been encouraged to help more than usual.
Want to Help in Your Community?
- If you are in a position to help others who are less fortunate, plenty of opportunities exist. Below are a few ideas:
- Connect with local elderly care centers and see what their needs are.
- Check with your elderly neighbors to see if you can help them with groceries or other needs.
- Foster animals or provide needed supplies to local animal shelters.
- Donate blood. Drives have had to be canceled so we have a shortage.
- Donate food, supplies or money to your local food pantries.
- Help local businesses by purchasing gift cards so they can get through the crisis.
Many people are coming together in different ways to get through the COVID-19 crisis and to help others get through as well. We encourage you to take part in the movement to help. Stay home as much as possible and stay safe, but keep in mind those who are struggling at this time. Contact VIEWS if you need help transitioning to remote work for your team.