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Big Data and Personal Marketing or Goodbye Privacy

The 21st century digital giants like Facebook and Google have figured out how to make personal information the most valuable resource in the history of humanity.  And they are mining mountains of it into big data resources that are being sold to the highest bidder.

Where is the Balance of Big Data, Personal Marketing and Privacy?

We consumers tend to ignore this process because there is a magical, technologically advanced and socially connected digital city being built from it that will make our lives … better? But Big Data knows an awful lot about us. Simply analyzing a person’s Facebook “likes” can identify a person’s sexual orientation or history of drug use. Just searching for things and filling out online surveys can lead to personal information being bought and sold by big marketing or political analytics companies. When the Big Data is data about you, privacy becomes a faint memory.
Even just searching for things and filling out online surveys can lead to personal information about you being bought and sold by big marketing analytics companies.
So are you willing to give up your privacy for your convenience?